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Internship Summer 2020

Mechanical Engineering Course Development

Mechanics I Video and MATLAB Modules

This past summer I had the opportunity to work with my Mechanics I and II professors to redesign the curriculum and refine resources for those courses. 

One of my main tasks was to create supplementary video tutorials and complimentary MATLAB scripts that guided students through key example problems from each chapter. I created about 20 videos for 14 modules across the two courses. I utilized software like Procreate and iMovie to create my videos, and an example is shown below.

I found digital media to be an invaluable resource as I could add an overall fluidity to the problem solving process. Through hand-drawn animations, I could show the rotation of Mohr's Circle, a topic that I personally found very difficult to visualize just based off still images, and I could highlight the relative motion that was required to be solved for. 

Below are examples of animations I created, as well as a still from a video focusing on solving for the moment about a specified axis and its corresponding MATLAB script.

14.8_Final_Animation_2.0 2.gif
Mohr's Circle Animation
Untitled_Artwork 7 copy.gif
Relative Motion Animations
Screen Shot 2020-10-27 at 10.31.34
Screen Shot 2020-10-27 at 10.30.43
Example Video Still and Complimentary MATLAB Script
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