
Electric drill teardown with complete SolidWorks model and analysis of each component.
Space Invaders inspired video game with Wio Terminal and Spike Prime Lego interface.

Weekly robotics projects made for my Spring '21 Intro to Robotics class using Lego SPIKE Prime software, Raspberry Pi, LabVIEW, Arduino, and Wio Terminal interfaces.
A moving art installation utilizing server & client infrastructure, inspired by a mechanical iris.
An electromechanical game inspired by Simon Says.
Laser cut analog driven drawing machine fabricated for 2020 MAKE Harvard event.

Supplementary videos and MATLAB scripts to help redesign a sophomore Mechanics I class.
Constructed and launched a rocket to achieve L1 Certification

A CFD analysis on the fluid mechanics and heat transfer of a CAD pizza oven model.

Prototyped and designed a PCB that receives 12V and outputs 3.3V, 5V, and 12V.

Takes plant condition inputs from multiple analog/digital sensors and displays them on an Arduino Wio Terminal interface.

Used numerical and analytical methods in order to design a structure to undergo a specific amount of deflection.

A video explaining the basics of conductive heat transfer.
Simulation analysis of a kinetic sculpture mechanism.

Analysis of a roll-forge for engineering design.